Jealousies and possessiveness can be a real issue between you. When transit Jupiter is in the composite 8th house, you may enjoy being intimate with one another, and can feel your emotional bonds grow stronger. Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. Composite Ascendant in Capricorn. Rather, it comes from an awkwardness about your self-expression as a couple or as individuals when you are together. When transit Neptune is in the composite 8th house, you may focus on spiritual Intimacy in the relationship. The eighth house also rules other people's property and money include real estate, inheritances, and investments. Still, one or either of you may wish for more intimacy from each other and less freedom! You are unlikely to be demonstrative towards each other in public, and this could be due to self-consciousness or the result of the extenuating circumstances of your partnership. As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. Much of the time, putting faith in one another brings you joy. You are likely to do whatever you can to work on making this a harmonious partnership. Saturn has no room for frivolity, so as many people see these groups as avenues for enjoying light, social interaction, you focus on their purpose and function. Where the 10th house is based on social standards and accepted ways of being in the world, the 11th house is based on affinity and mutual expression. As the third house relates to navigating your immediate environment, it is an active house. regard to money, sex, possessions and joint property. Relations with in-laws and other relatives post-marriage may be unpleasant due to an afflicted or weak Sun. Saturn located in the 8th. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. The individual knows that something else beyond the life they know exists, but is fearful to approach it, thus . However, Saturn's clear and realistic influence in the composite first house has its benefits. Composite Sun in the 3rd House. As a couple, you come across in an especially pleasing and attractive manner. If the relationship lasts, the tables turn and the younger person cares for the older person. Composite 7th house : planets. If challenged, you may be very wrapped up in your own relationship, or you could nag each other endlessly. One of you may talk down to the other, or there can be a heavy emphasis on talking about problems, burdens, and responsibilities instead of more light-hearted and happy conversations. You do this on every level. This will keep the fun from getting out of hand, but it will still allow enough looseness of spirit to enjoy your romance. Together, you are somewhat restlesseven nervousas you inspire curiosity in one another. You may focus on digging deeper into something together, and you can enjoy focusing on serious matters. You may explore new ways of using the resources that you have, and can take an unconventional approach to sharing. It may also be hard to distinguish between what is yours and what is your partners when it comes to emotions. When they do emerge, they may surprise both of you, as they have been brewing for some time and are well-developed. This may influence your interest in the occult, mystery and psychic matters. A composite eighth-house sun relationship feels deep. Possessions may be a source of conflict between you. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. Masculine & Feminine Signs: Are you More Masculine or Feminine? This may have been a relationship that had a hard time getting off the ground. Self-expression is vital for keeping the chemistry alive. Other possible scenarios are a large age gap between you, an affair in which one of you is married to someone else, a boss/employee set-up, and so forth. When transit Mars is in the composite 8th house, if there is something that you need to dig deeper into together, you can have plenty of energy and drive to do so. You need to maintain a feeling of peace and balance, but the process involved in order to achieve this harmony can be lengthy! A busy 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. You come across as a rather unassuming couple. Found in the buried twelfth house, vague feelings of discontent that are hard to pinpoint can undermine your relationship. Look to the individual charts to see who might have a hard time with this kind of emotional excitement and who might understand it and feed off it. Here are some generalized descriptions of the basic energies of the different composite Ascendant signs. Your self-image as a couple is tested when your composite Saturn is found in your first house. Kindness and good humor dominate the energies of this relationship. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. The goals and aims of your partnership are generally clear and well-defined. An underlying competitiveness between the two of you can develop. In the 8th house also known as the house of transformation, Saturn imbues a great deal of shrewdness and a heightened desire for control over their privacy. However, if you stifle each others creativity and individuality, the partnership will suffer. You may have expensive taste, or you might encourage each others indulgent side. In fact, you can develop nontraditional and even breakthrough ways of living and working together. Composite Mars in the 5th House. However, as Venus is a natural benefic planet it has the capacity to lessen the harsh effects of the eighth astrological house. Saturn is symbolic of a father-figure. The same beliefs that you can ordinarily take or leave, feel more important when you are discussing them with each other. Composite Sun in 8th house refers to couples having a secret affair behind closed doors. Houses in Astrology Recommended Reading: Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships (The Planet Series) With enough creativity and self-awareness, two people can experience its benefits together. Feeling secure with one another puts you in the mood and strengthens your affections for one another. this could also cause more idealistic approaches to the relationship, . Together, you tend to take more risks and to make decisions more impulsively than you would as individuals. 8th house deals with death, your life age, and sudden events in your life. Venus represents areas of life where you derive the most pleasure, and the seventh house represents the relationship itself. You naturally lean on each other for support and encouragement. However, being above the horizon, Saturn may bring stability and seriousness. When the transit Moon is in the composite 8th house, the deeply-held emotions the two of you have may come out, and you may need to deal with something serious together. Saturn in the third house of a composite chart brings a heaviness to this otherwise light house. Another way of looking at it is that things do tend to balance themselves out over time, even if they seem imbalanced at the moment. Conversation isn't just a whimsical pastime. This union is quite resilient, although you may overestimate what you are capable of doing together. This relationship inspires you to move, learn, and search. While it's true that we need to take care of daily tasks in order to keep our lives running smoothly, and it's true that we should do things correctly, Saturn in the sixth house of a composite chart can have you obsessing over it. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. However, when Saturn is strong and dignified, there are positive outcomes extracted from the difficult energies of the 8th house. In its own house, Saturn's effect is amplified, and reinforced. There can be a nervous energy present in your relationship that, if not handled well, can lead to bickering and nagging. There is a shared feeling of growth and support of one another. Both friendship and freedom to be yourselves form the basis of your relationship. With this placement, you should keep this in mind, and remember not to take things too seriously here. Towards others, you are protective and defensive of your relationship. Transit Jupiter in the Composite 8th House. Their expression is muted and subverted. There is much potential to have a great time with one another. Keywords: The keywords associated with the 8th house include death, transformation, secrets, mystery, macabre, shared finances or resources, legacies, taxes, owed money, uncovered trauma, healing, and psychology. Over time, you wonder why there is a negative vibe that you can't explain. You are gracious with one another, warm and loving, and compassionate. Correspondingly, we live (and shine) in the shadow. You are a couple that blazes new paths. Your Chiron in 8th House Wounds Because the Eighth House is the House of death and rebirth, your wounds are transformative in nature. In fact, if they do know it exists, they are unlikely to understand what it is all about. The 8th house is the house of death and regeneration. Together, you are perhaps more optimistic than you are individually. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. You admire one another and easily forgive each other when things go wrong. A conscious decision can be made to use Saturn's energy to provide a healthy amount of structure and security to your home life without allowing the overly negative and dark side of Saturn to rule this house. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. There may be a feeling that you hold each other back from experiencing life freely, yet there is no actual evidence of this in the behavior of either of you. Saturn in Eighth House natives are not free to connect emotionally with their partners; therefore, with no emotional connection, physical intimacy is hindered. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. Your relationship may have started out with gusto. Concern for equality in your partnership is a motivating force. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. Composite Saturn in the 8th House With Composite Saturn in the 8th house, you may struggle over control of the relationship and over one another. Others simply dont know what goes on behind closed doors, and you may do your best to keep things proper on the outside or you naturally present a reserved image. Reality must be met head on when Saturn is present. High expectations can be the result (especially if Neptune or Pisces is also involved), or the tendency to gloss over problems. Expect unpredictability in your daily lives together, and you will do better together. Unable to let go of control in your life. With Venus in a prominent position in your composite chart, your affection for one another is likewise a principal theme in your relationship. However, it also has the potential to bring new life into your life by ending what no longer works for you emotionally or spiritually. There is little patience when it comes to dealing with issues. It can be a real challenge to develop predictable routines in this relationship. Shorts cuts only lead to future suffering. With this placement, your love life usually gets better after your Saturn return. A potential problem of this position is the magnification of little problems and everyday complaints such that you end up complaining a lot with one another! Saturn is the planet of hard work, responsibility and time management. A feeling that each person in the relationship is responsible for the other's emotional fulfillment is a predominant factor when Saturn is in the eighth house of a composite chart. There may be conflicts in your relationship that revolve around travel, adventure, and personal belief systems, where one or both of you feel restricted or limited by the other in these areas. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. It runs deep, and your first reactions to one another could have just as easily been intense attraction as hatred! They can easily read people's emotions. Watch that you dont develop a tit for tat attitude towards one another. If you don't operate this way as a. Tucked away in the twelfth house, Saturn can seem non-existent here at first. Consequently, people may see you as a serious couple or simply an unexpressive couple. You are a likeable couple that projects an image of harmony, politeness, style, class, and balance. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. Keep in mind, as well, that there are positives and negatives of every position. Partners are actively involved in social structures, whose activities are in one way or another related to financial issues. Physical proof of love for each other may be demanded, as the second house is a practical, tangible, and earthy house. Your communications with one another can be very animated and even heated. Composite Venus in the 12th House. You are excitable when you are together, and the sexual chemistry between you is so apparent its almost tangible. Composite Sun in the 8th House July 13, 2009 astrologyplace The composite Sun placed in the 8th house is symbolic of a private couple who keep their affairs behind closed doors and have more layers to their relationship than what is visible on the surface of their connection. The Difference Between the Sun, Moon & Rising Sign, The Difference Between Scorpio Sun & Moon, The Difference Between Sagittarius Sun & Moon, The Difference Between Capricorn Sun & Moon, The Difference Between Aquarius Sun & Moon, A Deeper Understanding of the Elements in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 1st House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 2nd House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 3rd House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 4th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 5th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 6th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 7th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 8th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 9th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 10th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of the 11th House in Astrology, A Deeper Understanding of 12th House in Astrology, 1st House in Astrology: Planets in the 1st House, 2nd House in Astrology: Planets in the 2nd House, 3rd House in Astrology: Planets in the 3rd House, 4th House in Astrology: Planets in the 4th House, 5th House in Astrology: Planets in the 5th House, 6th House in Astrology: Planets in the 6th House, 7th House in Astrology: Planets in the 7th House, 8th House in Astrology: Planets in the 8th House, 9th House in Astrology: Planets in the 9th House, 10th House in Astrology: Planets in the 10th House, 11th House in Astrology: Planets in the 11th House, 12th House in Astrology: Planets in the 12th House, Essential Dignities & Debilities: Planets in Rulership, Exaltation, Detriment & Fall, The Nodes of the Moon: The North & South Nodes in Astrology, Pluto in the Signs: A Generational Effect. My fianc has 5 planets in aspect to 10th axis, Sun, Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Saturn is the great task master and teacher. You are inclined to focus on details rather than the big picture, and this can make you quite susceptible to the tiniest of changes in your environment. Next: The Composite Chart: Planetary Aspects. The most typical response to this transit is that you feel depressed, you might be lacking in self-confidence, you feel that your handle on life just broke. Saturn here can make you critical of each other's abilities to do things correctly and efficiently. As a couple, you project an open-minded, fun-loving, and adventurous image. You each see the other clearly and you have no misconceptions about how you appear to the world as a couple. When transit Venus is in the composite 8th house, you may enjoy strengthening the bonds of intimacy in your relationship together. It could be very hard to let go of each other, as you bond on a deep, perhaps inexplicable level. With the composite 8th house in Aries, you may believe that you together know exactly how to use the resources you have, and you may be a little impulsive with how you use them as a pair. Your image to others is neither flashy nor glamorous, but you do come across as a solid couple. the couples overall image), but also the couples automatic response to the day-to-day environment. Transit Saturn in the Composite 8th House. Do your best to watch for the tendency to eat your words when you feel dominated or when your needs are pushed to the side. The 8th house can become flat out obsessed with the Venus. The energy of this relationship is apparent right from the start. Saturn in the 8th house: a figure stands firmly on top of a lonely tower, contemplating the night that surrounds them from all sides. You feel most supported and nurtured by one another when you feel understood. It isn't that you want to appear this way. Sun : Need for balances ego's in order to make it work. The best way to handle this energy is to put your egos aside and avoid expecting too much from the partnership. Do your best not to neglect more spiritual elements of your connection. You want respect from your community and you are careful to behave in a mature manner in public. In composite: The grand square, pluto 20 . Proper protocol is considered important in your dealings with structured organizations, and you are careful to follow their rules. Composite Uranus is energy, and it can be directed. At best, a realistic, practical approach to financial matters is found when Saturn is in the second house of a composite chart. Composite Sun in the 6th House. Composite Venus in the 8th House. The entire house is about merged energies, whether they be sexual or financial. Indeed, this placement is a powerful force for achievement as a couple. Saturn has a way of making things feel heavy and more real than they actually are. You pour a lot of energy into building and maintaining your connection. This is exactly the case with 8th house Saturn. Transit Neptune in the Composite 8th House. As well, you instinctively consider one another as an equal, with equal say in your union. It also tells about wealth, both sudden gains and losses. A buzz of activity is normally found here until Saturn comes along. twice as hard to accumulate money and possessions, perhaps making you. Your conversations tend to revolve around practical and material concerns. A feeling of warm familiarity surrounding your personal belief systems is likely when you come together. A feeling that each person in the relationship is responsible for the other's emotional fulfillment is a predominant factor when Saturn is in the eighth house of a composite chart. Associations with friends and neighbors take on a formal tone with this placement because of the serious nature of Saturn. 8th House : The couples ability for commitment and ownership together. Others may think you are together for practical or intellectual reasons rather than emotional ones because of the image you project. People with Moon in the 8th House tend to be sensitive . Strong second house relationships are built on security. There is an earthy sensuality to your relationship that is unmistakable. Some may find the relationship lacking somewhat in depth or intimacy, as emphasis is on the rational world of logic and intellect. It can be hard to feel clear about the direction of your partnership, and there is a resistance to such clarity. Be careful not to let others dictate the course of your relationship by allowing yourselves to be overly swayed by others opinions. Your automatic responses to each other are diplomatic. However, if you understand the influence, you can work with it, rather than letting it be the dark cloud that drags you apart. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. Composite Sun in the 2nd House. With awareness, you can manage the problem and bring yourselves to the point where there is only an awkwardness in your communication that makes you hesitant about sharing. Let's take a look at what Saturn is telling you based on house and sign. Transit Mercury in the Composite 8th House. Intensity, intimacy, and meaningful sharing are themes of your union. There may be an unspoken feeling a blame between you, but there is no real reason for it. It's about endings and beginnings. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Composite Mars in the 2nd House. How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. You have come together for a feeling of strength. Together you are focused on the deepest issues of the relationship, and the focus isn't intellectual, like an air house would be, or practical like an earth house would be. Mars in 8th House synastry relationships are remarkably dynamic in nature and are usually formed between people in business, science, as well as in various intellectual fields. Sexuality between the two of you is very physical and you can be possessive of one another. Your first and instinctive reaction is to be objective and rational towards each other, and towards others. This may keep you away from large, structured social gatherings because you take them so seriously that they often feel stressful for you both. Venus can fall equally as hard for the 8th house because overtime they crave the excitment and depth which feeds their soul. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. You tend to give each other personal freedom and to treat each other as friends above all else. As a couple with this placement, you are be careful about what you say to each other. the difficult conversations will be had. Saturn in the fifth house can play out in a similar way. A compulsive quality to the relationship is also possible, as are shared secrets, some element of mystery, and a strong emphasis on privacy in your romantic life. However, emotions flying all around you can cause some chaos. Saturn represents fears, limitations, restrictions in astrology. Yes, the 8th house is the house of Scorpio - the house of death and rebirth, the house of crisis. You joke around with each other a lot, and tend to keep things light and airy. You are not inclined to serve each other, and any demands to do so will be turned down. There is a distinctly practical side to your relationship. Such a relationship brings individual pain and suffering to influence a transformational change in the partners' personalities. . Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. Without clear-cut plans and activities, this dynamic energy can easily become restless and impatient energy. A possible solution for this position if it is found to be a challenging one is to spend some time apart periodically so that you dont burn each other out and it can feel fresh again. Composite Ascendant in Taurus. You go your own way, and you could leave others feeling a bit left out! The physical side of your relationship is accentuated with this position of the composite Sun. Composite Ascendant in Pisces. Your natural responses to each other and as a couple to your environment are instinctive and emotional rather than intellectual. It is important to have a true understanding of Saturn's influence when your composite Saturn is in the fourth house because it often puts a feeling of restriction and burden on home and family life that is strong enough to drive people apart. It's a good placement for marriage, but it can quickly evolve into . Saturn is capable of going deep into matter and finding what is hidden. When transit Uranus is in the composite 8th house, you may change the way in which you approach intimacy in the relationship. Transit Saturn in the 8th House Transit Chart Interpretation Meaning This transit is one of the most difficult and has the potential to change your life forever. Andthe 8th house ruler is Mercury, which happens to be in 11th house conjunct Neptune, ruler of 2nd house, and Sappho. Your reputation and status as a couple is also a serious matter and you are likely to be seen as a hard-working, practical couple. Venus, Mars, Uranus and Pluto aspect my Midheaven. The above descriptions can be used, but always keep in mind the nature of the planet or luminary involved. While grievances tend to be out in the open, and this can be very helpful, you will need to try to avoid competing with one another. Insecurities and hurts can seem to apparently come out of nowhere. Your goal is to be equals, but too much emphasis on balance can become challenging, as life isnt always fair. Whatever the case may be, Saturn in the house of beginnings and initiative suggests some awkwardness, simply because Saturn is not very comfortable doing the initiating when it comes to close, intimate relationships. Composite Mercury in the 11th House. Composite Mercury in the 9th House. You project a practical and reliable image. Breaking your bond can be difficult to do. Saturn Square Pluto - Synastry, Transit, Composite Square Whatever the karma of yesterday, only in it, as in the soil - today, you can sow something, and tomorrow you can get seedlings. This is great as long as it doesn't overwhelm the fun and frivolous side of your relationship. You are a couple that thinks, communicates, and analyzes. Do your best to avoid mind games and power struggles. Composite Ascendant in Aries. Anything that feels negative is not discussed or even acknowledged. This is a classic dating or lovers position.
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